Hematology / Oncology

Hematology is the study of blood, the blood-forming organs, and blood diseases. Hematology includes the study of etiology, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of blood diseases that affect the production of blood and its components, such as blood cells, hemoglobin, blood proteins, and the mechanism of coagulation.

Hematology is a distinct sub-specialty of internal medicine, separate from, but overlapping with the sub-specialty of medical oncology.

Oncology is the branch of medicine that researches, identifies, and treats tumors, which is a term for cancer.

Oncology is concerned with:

Oncology/Hematology practice with the Jefferson Cary Cancer Center which is located on the Cary Medical Center Campus, 163 Van Buren Road, Caribou.


Josee Romann, FNP-C

Jefferson Cary Cancer Center
Phone: (207) 498-1370
Fax: (207) 493-5136

Josee Romann, FNP-C
Elena Vagia, MD

Jefferson Cary Cancer Center
Phone: (207) 498-1370
Fax: (207) 493-5136

Elena Vagia, MD
Harvey Zimbler, MD

Jefferson Cary Cancer Center
Phone: (207) 498-1370
Fax: (207) 493-5136

Harvey Zimbler, MD

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Hematology / Oncology

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